
Long Sweater Coat For Moody Nordic Weather.

AAlthough the summer is officially here, that doesn’t necessarily mean constant sunshine - especially in the Nordics! Long sweater, or the boyfriend’s arm still come in handy to keep warm!

The sun twinkled between the buildings and trees as I was passing them on the way to Maridalen – a picturesque valley located north from Oslo. The valley stretches just above the suburb of Kjelsås, and it is filled with all one can wish for after a busy week in the city – silence, wavey little hills, pine and willow trees, and a blue sky reflected in the waters of Maridalen lake.


In less than fifteen minutes, soft, dry golden grass crackled under my feet, and I felt a fresh breeze carrying the scent of the forest. It was a pleasant sensation, especially that keeping moody nordic weather in mind, I wore a new sweater that kept me warm. Designed especially for occasions like weekend trips out of town, picnics, and nature walks, I was glad to test it in the filed! Metaphorically and literally, that is.


The weather in May was very unstable, which, as you may suspect, made choosing the right outfit a bit more challenging. It was easy to be either too hot or too cold. Gladly being covered either in goosebumps or sweat wasn’t a scenario for today as my long sweater passed the weather test with flying colors. Yay!


Ankle length kept my whole body warm, the big hood protected my face from the sun, and once I got warm from walking, I could use the sweater as a giant shawl loosely draped around the dress. That little maneuver turned the current look into a practically new look, which was a fun bonus.
I think it is helpful when the clothes allow for some flexibility, especially when living active lives where things change from moment to moment – or living in a climate where the weather changes even faster.
Pleased with the functionality, I concluded that few clothing items are as versatile as long sweater coat – aka nordic weather protector.


To reach a chic but comfortable outdoor look, I paired the sweater with the soft wool-tweed dress in corresponding colors and brown pantyhose with a cable knit pattern.


Wrap yourself up in loving arms, cozy sweaters, and enjoy the sights of the Maridalen valley!

woman wearing long sweater with leggins cashmere orange sweater with hood
cozy long sweater dress martha may
marta may orange cashmere sweater

Designed by me: long cashmere coat with a hood.